Friday, July 15, 2011

Ain't No Mountain High Enough (or is there?)

Friends & Family,

This week officially began my fall semester on European Studies! For those who don't know, this semester is a joint program between Rhodes and the University of the South, in Sewanee, TN. We take a class at Sewanee for 3 weeks, then have a few days off before we all jet-set to Europe.

Well I was excited to come to Sewanee, which is on a mountain, but I encountered my first trouble of the trip- a lack of cell service. I'm a city girl at heart, so being this far away from civilization is pretty new to me. Surprisingly enough, this has already turned into one of my favorite new life adventures, full of hiking and nature, new friends and a lot of interesting Greek Philosophers.

This hike was about a mile high, but we got to climb through this really great rock enclosure, shown above! You had to climb up into it, but a little ways down the other side was a beautiful and refreshing waterfall in the first picture. I'm hoping for more of these hikes, we're going to try and do a 7.5 mile loop next Saturday!

The lesson learned: to me, there may be such thing as a mountain too high from civilization, but my fear may be trumped by a new adventure I'll love.

Your Suburbanite in Sewanee,


PS- I also really enjoy class! :) It's inspiring my blog title, since our theme for the travels and classes is ancient greece and rome. It's classical history, art and philosphy, all of which is new and exciting to me!

20 Days until Departure!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    What a great way to record your travels! I look forward to reading it along the way.
