Monday, July 25, 2011

A Schedule of Events!

So upon realizing that not even my best friend or my mother have a clear idea of where all I am headed to in the next few months, I decided to share some dates/places with everyone! I'm finishing up class at Sewanee this week and have finals this weekend.

Sunday July 31- Thursday Aug 4th: Heading home to Dallas! I'm looking forward to a few days of friends, family, El Fenix, RA and going to the JCrew outlet. No surprises there.

Aug 4: Fly to Edinburgh, Scotland!
Aug 7-13: York, England
Aug 14- Sept 23: Classes at Lincoln College, Oxford University

So for these 6 weeks, I'm studying at Oxford with professors there! I am taking 12 credit hours, but have the weekends for free travel and a few planned excursions for our program.

Aug 26-28: Oslo, Norway with friends
Sept 2-4: Dublin, Ireland with the program

The next portion of the program is our travel component. We're studying ancient greece and roman history, philosophy, architecture & art. The travel portion is a class, as well, as we journal our interpretations and reactions to everything we see that we've been studying at Sewanee & Oxford.

Sept 24- Oct 7: Greece! (We're basically island-hopping, probably what I'm most excited about!)
Oct 7-16: Turkey
Oct 16-23: Italy
Oct 23-27: Back to London to wrap up program!

On October 27 my program with Rhodes is over! Fortunately, thanks to my awesome Dad and the lucky fact that one of my very best friends from high school is studying abroad in Florence, I'm heading to Italy for a few extra days. We're planning on hiking the Cinque Terre together so I can have a few days of independent travel!

Oct 31: Back to London, Back to Dallas!

I'm really excited for this upcoming semester, and appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers as I embark on this journey!

Now I just have to get over my fear of flying, pack everything I could ever need in one suitcase, and accept the fact that I won't drink another Dr. Pepper for 3 months.

Happy Travels!


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