Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Week!

Hey All!

So we finally have some level of internet connection, so I'm posting my first blog! It has been the most incredible week here, and I am so glad already that I made the decision to study abroad.

We flew into Edinburgh, Scotland at the end of last week, and that was an amazing way to start. We had beautiful sunny cool weather, which is pretty much unheard of there, so we were really lucky! We ate at a great sandwich shop the first day and I got talking to the owner. Turns out his sister lives in Gunter, Texas. One of the first reminders I've had here of what a small world it is! We had an AMAZING dinner at a restaurant called the Dome, probably one of the nicest places I've ever eaten (Thanks European Studies!). We explored/walked all over Edinburgh for the next few days, and if you've talked or chatted with me once since I've been here you know I've fallen in love with this city. One of the highlights was the last night we saw the Scottish Tattoo, which is a military band show during the huge festival that occurs in August in Edinburgh. See picture below :) It was raining and cold but it was right in front of the Castle and one of the coolest shows I've ever seen. There were large bands and performances from around the globe - so so great.

We then headed onto York, and I'm ashamed to say I slept through the entire bus ride through the English countryside. I am glad that I waited until tonight to post this blog, however, because today was probably the best full day we've had yet! We've been studying Ancient Rome's role in Great Britain, which is kindof backwards history-wise but has been a great place to start. I could talk about a lot of really amazing Roman sites we've seen in the countryside, but I pretty much only want to talk about today, anyways.

We went to an archaeological dig site that's being excavated to clear the area for some new housing. It was so large, look at the picture below! We had a great guide show us where all these Roman graves and Viking houses were dug up. Then we got to go inside their excavation site and see some of the remains! It was literally amazing. I saw real human remains from the Roman period (2/3rd century), and a lot of other really exciting finds. I don't know if I've ever seen real history being discovered before my eyes.

We then went into the city of York and went to their history museum which was full of exciting items. Then I got to go to the Evensong at the York Minster Cathedral. It is a beautiful site I got to see the first day, but was even more beautiful when filled with a choir and prayers.

I've loved my first week in York, I'm already in love with England. The nightlife is exciting, the people are friendly, the sites are breathtaking and it's so nice to just walk around beneath history and so many amazing places.

I apologize for the fact that I haven't really talked to anyone, but I am alive and having an amazing time :D I can't wait to share more of my adventures, and cannot believe that this is only week one.

NOTE: Sorry, the internet is too slow for me to post any pictures. I promise there will be some for this blog as soon as I get to Oxford on Sunday!



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