Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oslo & More Oxford!

Hey All -

So I guess the trick to getting me to post a blog is have me writing a paper I'm trying to procrastinate! :)

So I can't believe I'm on my third week in Oxford, we're wrapping up finals for our first 1/2 session of classes on Greece, and we start the Roman stuff on Monday! This weekend I'm venturing to Dublin, Ireland with my trip, and I think I'm more excited for this weekend than I've been for anything so far. SO EXCITED.

Life in Oxford has become pretty routine. My classes have been fascinating, but it's a bit of a challenge to be taking three classes in such a short time crunch. Lots of papers! It's always a bummer to stay in writing rather than experience day-to-day Oxford life. We've done a lot of exploring, though! The night life in Oxford is great, but just walking around during the day has to be my favorite thing. We have a covered market right outside the gates of Lincoln, and I either get a delicious Ben's Cookie or a Moo Moo's Milkshake at least every other day! :) Cool thing - Emma Watson (Hermoine in Harry Potter) was spotted by one of my friends in the covered market last week! She's studying at Oxford this semester so I'm hoping to get a glimpse of her at some point myself!

Beth and I went to church the weekend we were in town, which was one of my favorite experiences. We went to St. Alban's, which was a contemporary service in a 13th century cathedral. It was so cool to worship God in such a revered environment. I have to say this was one of the best experiences I've had here, and the community was so welcoming and awesome! (Hope Fellowship may have some English competition for coolest church in the world...)

Here are some of my favorite Oxford pictures (I don't have a lot... haven't quite gotten that it's okay to act like a tourist sometimes in the place I live!)

This was on a tour of Oxford - this is a copy of a bridge in Venice
Some of my girlfriends and I at our first High Table, these amazing formal dinners we get each Thursday

Our Punting Adventure (I was pretty good if I must say so myself...)

So besides the amazing experiences I've had in Oxford, I had my first vacation trip last weekend! Me and six friends went to Oslo, Norway for the weekend, and I might've had my doubts... but it was probably the most awesome place I've ever been! We had some trouble planning something for this three day weekend and settled on Oslo because of the cheap flight and the big group that was going. I was excited to go somewhere I'd never really thought about visiting. Oslo is a walking city at heart, and the weather we experience was beautiful. This trip started at 1 AM late Thursday night and we got back at 4 AM Monday morning, and it was worth every second I didn't sleep! I think Scandinavia may have my heart now...

A few highlights:

Our fantastic group :)

The Nobel Peace Center!

Oslo City Centre

This Sculpture Park was AMAZING!
We also went on a fjord bay 2 hour cruise, hit up an ice bar, and avoided spending a million dollars on food (2nd most expensive city in the world! I'm talking $40 pizzas!) Funny story, we missed our bus coming back to Oxford after landing in Stansted airport (3 hours away). Luckily, the nice people at National Express got us back!! (at 4 AM!)

So it's off to Dublin this weekend! Can't wait to get to share about this weekend! I'm excited to begin a new set of classes and get ready to jet-set to the continent in a few weeks.

love/miss you all!


PS- A big shoutout to my Kappa Delta sisters at Rhodes this weekend, so bummed to be missing bid day! Good luck with the rest of rush, can't wait to meet the new babies!!!!! AOT


  1. Keep blogging. It's so much fun to read!

  2. It's Aunt Shirley at SimplyScience. Blogspot won't let me comment with my google sig.
